Travis Brungardt
Builder and Speaker

Travis Brungardt
Builder and Speaker
Catalyst Construction Prairie Village, Kansas
Travis Brungardt is a licensed Master Electrician, Mechanical Contractor and co-owner of Catalyst Construction in Prairie Village, Kansas specializing in building durable, high performance homes. He's a contributor on The Build Show Network and has also written for JLC, GBA and Fine Homebuilding magazine. Travis presents on residential construction and building science at various conferences, Construction Instruction, and the High Performance Building Zone at IBS. A founder of the non-profit BS*andBeerKC building science discussion group, creator of the Building Science Symposium series and cohost of the BS*andBeer Show, he hopes to educate others just as the building community has generously taught him.
Where you can find Travis Brungardt during IBS:
BS* + Beer Show LIVE! - Wednesday
Building Science Symposium
Exploring Exterior Insulation Options [DEMO]
Insulating Foundations: Slab, Crawlspaces & Basements [DEMO]
Why You Need a Rainscreen [DEMO]