FEB 25 - 27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
FEB 25 - 27, 2025

Steve Easley


Picture of Steve Easley

Steve Easley


Steve Easley & Associates L.L.C. Scottsdale, Arizona

Steve Easley specilizes in solving building science related problems for builders and educating building industry professionals and their trade partners. His work focuses on increasing quality of construction, performance, sustainability, health and wellness, code compliance and reducing costly mistakes that lead to construction defects. He is known for his dynamic speaking style and his unique ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms that can be easily integrated into practice. Steve’s mission is helping industry professionals build & remodel structures that are durable, energy efficient, healthy and comfortable to live and work in. He has more than 30 years of industry experience, performing thousands of job-site quality surveys and presenting building science seminars around the world. Steve is a frequently requested speaker because of his practical approach to building science. Steve speaks regularly for these conferences: International Builders Show (IBS) (NAHB) South East Builders Conferance ( SEBC) Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC) American Institute of Architects (AIA) Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Energy & Environmental Building Association(EEBA) I am a veteran speaker at IBS including Master Sessions. I consistantly have high attendance and class ratings averaging 4.7 out of 5.

Where you can find Steve Easley during IBS:
Avoiding Profit Killing Call-Backs & Poor Performing Homes

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