FEB 25 - 27, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV
FEB 25 - 27, 2025

Andres Duany


Picture of Andres Duany

Andres Duany


DPZ CoDesign Miami, Florida

Andrés Duany is an architect whose work focuses on town and regional planning. With Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk they founded their practice, DPZ, in 1980 at the time of their design of the town of Seaside, which began an ongoing debate on the alternatives to suburban sprawl. DPZ has over 200 plans in the process of implementation. The firm has particular expertise in writing codes and is dedicated to both practice and research. Duany’s books include Garden Cities: Theory and Practice of Agrarian Urbanism, The Smart Growth Manual, Suburban Nation, The New Civic Art, and Landscape Urbanism and Its Discontents. Duany was one of the founders of the Congress for the New Urbanism. CNU is an organization established in 1993 to promote walkable, resilient urban design. Duany has been a visiting professor at a number of universities in the United States. His work has been recognized by awards such as the Driehaus Prize, the Scully Prize, the Jefferson Medal, and the Brandeis Medal.

Where you can find Andres Duany during IBS:
Lessons From the Future: Build for What's Coming

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